Wednesday 18 June 2008

A long absence

So it has been bloody long since I've updated this really. I think Lois has given up on the blog... and for awhile I did as well as everything I was writing was getting me down... the whole point of this was to keep my spirits up and keep looking forward but instead it kept me tied to the past. Thus the silence.

Which, in hindsight, has been a good thing. Because instead of sitting down writing about things I wish I was doing, or stuff I wish I was still feeling, I went out and had those experiences. And because I took some action, I've found myself in this place, here and now, that I didn't think I would ever arrive at.

Let's just say that the past four months or so have thought me a lot of things about myself. And that boy problems, at the moment, are the least of my worries. Oh, the whole boy thing does still occupy me, I haven't changed THAT much, but there's so much other shit going on in my life at the moment that boys are kinda the last thing on my mind.

That's kinda it for now... will update more as soon as I can. It's a promise I'm making to myself.

Clarke x